Quick Start

Get started quickly with Chaos. We'll guide you through the steps of installing the Chaos client (CLI) and running your first subdomain fetch to begin exploring its capabilities.

1. Installation

To install the Chaos client, you can use the following command:

go install -v github.com/projectdiscovery/chaos-client/cmd/chaos@latest
You must have installed Golang on your system before running the above command.

2. Verify Installation

To verify the installation, run the following command:

chaos -h

  chaos [flags]

   -key string                  projectdiscovery cloud (pdcp) api key
   -d string                    domain to search for subdomains
   -count                       show statistics for the specified domain
   -silent                      make the output silent
   -o string                    file to write output to (optional)
   -dL string                   file containing domains to search for...
   -json                        print output as json
   -version                     show version of chaos
   -v, -verbose                 verbose mode
   -up, -update                 update chaos to latest version
   -duc, -disable-update-check  disable automatic chaos update check

3. Get your API Key

To use the Chaos client, you need to have a valid API key. You can get one by signing up on the Project Discovery Cloud.

4. Authenticate

You can add the API key to your environment variables, like so:


5. Start using Chaos

Once you have added the API key to your environment variables, you can start using Chaos to fetch subdomains for a domain. For example, to fetch subdomains for uber.com, you can use the following command:

chaos -d uber.com -count -silent